
A community has a responsibility for the general terms and conditions in the economic environment. Sometimes financial guidelines and the commitment to the regional economy seem not to be reconcilable. Such contradictions frequently have to be handled when discussing cooperation and merger. Practical examples are flood protection projects, the reorganization of the fire department and sewage treatment on a regional level. Frequently it is true that the best solution is not the most expensive one. An analytical approach helps you to find the optimum that reaches also the political score.

Business cycle analysis and economic structure

The analysis, appreciation and reporting relative to economic interdependence in business cycles (wages, production, profitability) and economic structure.

Projects: Input-Output-Models for Excel to simulate interde-pendence by industry. Interdependence between demand, production and employment. Scenarios for energetic management in supply crisis for the purposes of the national economic defence. Scenarios for economic development underlying different hypotheses on behalf of inputs like energy and labour. Analysis of the economic impact due to partial tax-exemption in the area of Samnaun (Graubünden). Regional economic simulation E3ME covering energy, environment and economic structure for the EU.


Qualified knowledge about industry – interdependence, impact on employment due to demand variation on a national level, for example Rail 2030 investment projects, long term perspectives in various professions according to the structure in the economic demand.

Network economics for network-oriented industries like electricity, telecommunication and public transportation. Challenge of the last mile and transit rights. Design of network companies, price determination in networks by supervising authorities, property rights in networks.

Industry of energy supply

Specific know-how especially on behalf of the competitively defined differences of energetic resources.