You will find here interesting and useful links
The electronic site of the Swiss Confederation, the Cantons and Communities:
Centre d'Études Économiques et Comptables, CEEC. This professional association focuses on economics, accounting, financial management and controlling. For the members this is an oppor-tunity for practical professional exchange and instruction.
Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration Idheap. This University Institute carries out a na-tionally and internationally acknowledged training and research activity in the field of public administration. Idheap is an independent foundation, but is tied to both University and Technical High-School of Lausanne. This offer has a national mission and is supported by the Swiss Con-federation on the basis of the National Graduate School Law.
International Public Sector Accounting Standards, IPSAS, See the International Public Sector Ac-counting Standards Board.
The new financial compensation between the Swiss Confederation and the Cantons - NFA.
Swiss Evaluation Society, SEVAL. The Swiss Evaluation Society's goal is to foster the exchange of information and experience in the field of evaluation between politics, administration, academia, NGOs and the private sector. The SEVAL actively engages in improving the quality of evaluation and its diffusion.
The alumni organization of the bernese economists (Vereinigung Berner Wirtschaftswissenschafter VBW ) is designed to promote the exchange of information and experience in economics. This is a way for former students of the Faculty in Economics to keep in touch with their University.